Shop Mate (Point of sale and Inventory) Billing | Restaurant Open Source .net MVC 5


ShopMate is the point of sale inventory type application, any shop or big firm can use for their work transactions management, it has multiple features like sale , purchase, stock management, point of sale, point of purchase, sale purchase invoices and print that, due, expense, Journal ledger transactions, vendor & customer management, warehouse, product management.

ShopMate Features.

  • Point Of Sale
  • Invoice Slip Printing
  • Point of Purchase and Print Invoice
  • User ,Customer,Vendor and any other role
  • Menu and Access to any user
  • Tax With GST and other
  • Product Management
  • Due (borrow)
  • Expense
  • Sales and Purchase Listing
  • Payment mode
  • Sale and purchase invoices listing and report
  • Accounts, Journal Ledger transactions
  • Reports
  • Today Sale Report
  • Today Purchase Report
  • Stock Alert Report
  • Profit Report
  • Day End Report
  • Stock Amount Report
  • Report Accounts
  • Sale Return Report
  • Purchase Return Report
  • Expense Report
  • Due (borrow) Report
  • Ledger Wise Report

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