WooCommerce NFT Importer – Data Fetcher via Cronjob (Addon)


NFT Data Fetcher via Cronjob: Is an addon for WooCommerce NFT Importer and is the perfect helper for those who are looking for fetching the details of a NFT in real-time. The NFT Importer core only imports the NFTs one time and doesn’t fetch the details in real-time. With the help of this addon, this problem is fulfilled.

Key Features:

  • This addon will automatically fetch the price and a few more fields of the NFT as it is on OpenSea.io This addon requires an API Key
    • “price” – The current price of the NFT.
    • “numSales” – Number of sales.
    • “presale” – If the NFT is on presale.
    • “assetContract” – The address of the contract.
    • “lastSale” – The date of the last sale.
    • “sellOrders” – Number of sales.
  • Addon for WooCommerce NFT Importer. It requires the core plugin in order to be used on WCFM.
  • Fetch NFT details in realtime via cronjobs.
  • It is an addon for the core plugin “WooCommerce NFT Importer”.
  • Works with cPanel’s cronjobs or with EasyCron (external cronjobs service).
  • Easy Installation & Setup
  • Extensive Offline & Online Documentation
  • Fast as lightning and easy to use
  • Build your NFT Marketplace with iBid NFT Marketplace theme – Live Demo

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