Tagxi Super – Taxi + Goods Delivery Complete Solution 1.8


Expand your Transport Business with our customer-centric, well-crafted Taxi + Goods Delivery Platform. We would help you in solving the real-time complexities you face in dispatch operations. Tagxi super strives the best to add value to your Taxi & Delivery Business through innovation and technology.

Key Features

User App

  • Set pickup/Drop location by map
  • book a ride & Realtime ETA
  • Show cars on map in Realtime
  • Book A Schedule Ride
  • Save Favourite Location
  • Apply Promo codes
  • Choose Payment Method as cash/card/wallet
  • Add Money to Wallet by Debit/Credit Card
  • Localization Supports
  • Multiple Currency Support
  • SOS-Realtime Notify to admin
  • Referral Program
  • In-App chat B/W Driver & User
  • Ride History with Trip status fiter
  • Ratings & Review
  • Cancel Ride with dynamic cancellation reasons

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