Offline Quiz App Text MCQ Question Quiz App


Application for quiz you can set your favirite categories & add quiz with google ads quiz wise time management.Text MCQ Quetion Android App


  • Developed in android platformThe game is developed using Java Programming Language in Android Studio Platform.
  • Intriguing customizable UIThe app has beautiful User Interface which can be customized as per the user’s requirement.
  • Equipped with google admobGoogle Admob is implemented in this app. Publish google ads, market other brands, and earn with Google.
  • Fully customizable codeThis Android Native Project is developed with fully customizable code. You can easily modify the game.
  • Ready to release appThis is a complete project. You can add question & upload it on Google Playstore right away.
  • Time wise question managementYou can set question wise time.question will timeout base on set time.
  • Quiz categoriesEasy to manage categories using json file
  • Result ManagementYou can check result question wise & it will save you can also check later.
  • Right wrong ans soundBase on selection sound will play if select right answer than right sound play select wrong answer wrong sound will play
  • About us, Contact UsYou can add your about us content & contact us content
  • Share ApplicationShare application with friends & family using social media.
  • Download AppClick here

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