Android Ebook App


Android Ebook App is a mobile Ebook system which run under Android platform that used for your own ebook or story application. Using Admin Panel backend with powerful and responsive can manage unlimited books category and story, etc. This application created by Android for client side and then PHP MySQL for Admin side. Run under Android platform which is the most popular operating system in the world.

Clean code and good design is main priority, by using this app, you can turn your Blogspot site to Android app just for few minutes, or you can built an Android News App with Blogspot as your Server Side, so you save your money and without any additonal cost to buy a Server.


  • Implement Google Material Material Design for Android
  • Bottom Navigation
  • Admin Panel (PHP & MySQL Database)
  • Using 8 Ad Networks (AdMob, Google Ad Manager,, Unity Ads, AppLovin MAX, AppLovin Discovery, IronSource, Audience Network Bidding)
  • Audience Network Open Bidding with (AdMob, Google Ad Manager, AppLovin MAX or IronSource) as Mediation Partner
  • Support App Open, Banner, Interstitial & Native Ad formats
  • Switch Ads
  • Backup Ads
  • Integrated with FCM & OneSignal Push Notification
  • Send Notification with link
  • Implement GDPR
  • Support PDF
  • Bookmark with laset reading page
  • Swipe to next or previous page
  • Jum to page number
  • Search books
  • Splash Screen
  • In App Review
  • In App Update
  • Rate, Share & More apps
  • About Dialog
  • Easy configuration
  • Ripple Effect
  • Swipe to refresh
  • Shimmer Effect on Refresh
  • Load More Pagination
  • Integrate with Google Analytics
  • Dark Theme
  • Clean Code
  • Well documentation

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