Augmented reality face filters


Real time augmented reality face masks, effect and filters in photo and video mode. You can combine mask, effect and filter at the same time to take a picture or record video.


  • Android Studio +4.1.1
  • Java 8

Effects supported

  • Rigid objects
  • Deformable masks
  • Morph masks
  • Animated objects
  • Post-processing effects

Instagram UI/UX

  • Click to take a photos
  • Long clic to start recording
  • Swipe list to select and apply effect
  • Click on item to select and apply effect
  • Reset effect button
  • Gallery button (show last photo/video and navigate to gallery)
  • Grid lines (show/hide 3×3 grid lines)
  • Flash – on/off
  • Switch camera – front/back (front camera by defaut)
  • Swipe to switch between masks, effects and filters
  • Vibrate on apply effect
  • Zoom

32 Masks

  • Glasses
  • Flowers
  • Beauty
  • Animals
  • Face distortion
  • Galaxy background
  • People
  • Eye color
  • Metal face
  • Beard

6 Effects

  • Disco lights
  • Rain
  • Blizzard
  • Ocean
  • Fire (need interaction from user, will be activated when user open the mouth)
  • Heart (need interaction from user, will be activated when user open the mouth)

19 Filters

  • Grid collage
  • Manga
  • TV
  • VHS
  • Drunk
  • Luts


  • Swipe up-down to show-hide gallery
  • Swipe left-right to show photos or videos
  • Photos
  • Videos


  • All photos from gallery
  • Update photo list after taking a photo
  • Update photo list after deleting a photo
  • Information
  • Share
  • Delete


  • All videos from gallery
  • Update video list after recording a video
  • Update video list after deleting a video
  • Information
  • Share
  • Delete


  • Photo viewer
  • Video player
  • Share
  • Delete


  • Date (photo & video)
  • Size (photo & video)
  • Resolution (photo & video)
  • Path (photo & video)
  • Title (photo & video)
  • Duration (video)


  • Volume button up to zoom in
  • Volume button down to zoom out

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