Avoid the Dots – One Hour Reskin, IOS 10, Swift 3 Ready


Already updated to iOS10! Supports iPhone7, iPhone7 Plus and iPad Pro! You want to get your hands on the best Avoid the Circles clone out there. You have come to the right place. Now take a look what Avoid the Dots has to offer you. Watch video here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/MjKsdAJyebg Avoid the Dots is Rebeloper’s newest A+ source code. It is packed with all the awesome features that you love in our source codes and even more:

  • Multiplayer (Nextpeer)
  • Newsfeed (powered by Chartboost) – this is amazing (read more here) (Chartboost has discontinued Newsfeed! So it is no longer available from v.2.0.2)
  • In-App Purchases: No Ads; More Lifes (10, 50, 150, 500, 1000) – or set them as you wish  :)
  • All the major Ad Networks to choose from: Fyber, Vungle, Chartboost, RevMob, AdMob, AppLovin
  • Kamcord (record video gameplays) – removed as of v2.1.0
  • Game Center Leaderboard
  • iRate
  • More Games page (powered by Chartboost)
  • Local Notifications
  • 3 different heroes to play with
  • Animated images for the hero
  • Images for the dots, road and background (colors are not enough, right?)
  • Control speed of hero and dots
  • Music and sounds
  • Flurry Analytics (23 events)
  • Only 25 images to change !

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