Blazor Store – Mobile PWA and Site Templates with Powerful Built-in Functions 3.1.10


Add BlazorStore to your Home Screen and enjoy it like a native application. A gorgeous user interface that looks and feels like a premium native application.


All Excellence Works always started from Perfect Basic Things. And BlazorStore is ready-made with below essentials features that’s perfect fit for your project.

  • Login, Register and Reset Password
  • Role Based Access and Permissions
  • Logout Users / Regenerate Token from Multiple Client Browsers when Permission Changes
  • Mailing: user registration & email confirmation
  • API: with Swagger documentation
  • CRUD operations: products, brands, document store…
  • Excel Data Export
  • Audit trails and access logs
  • Realtime Notifications – Dashboard Updates Realtime
  • Realtime Chat using SignalR and Identity
  • Auto-Scroll to the Last Message when a new Chat Message is received.
  • Play Notification Tone when a new Chat Message is received.
  • Notifications System using SignalR
  • User profile and picture
  • RTL & Darkmode
  • Multi languages
  • Background job monitoring using Hangfire

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