Booking Doctor Consultation – Flutter with Firebase


Doctor Consultation is an online platform designed to make it easy for anyone to access medical consultation from the comfort of their own home. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, many are required to stay at home, making this platform an ideal solution for booking appointments. Consultations are conducted via WhatsApp, providing users with the flexibility of chatting, calling, or video calling with their doctor. Payment is made by uploading proof of transfer of funds to the doctor’s bank account, eliminating the need for a third-party payment gateway.

App Features:

  • Firebase Authentication
  • Booking Consultation
  • Consultation
  • Consultation Schedule
  • Download Invoice as pdf file
  • Download List (Transaction, Patient, Queue, Consultation Schedule) as pdf file
  • Search Transaction and Doctor Specialist
  • Diagnosis
  • Queue
  • Edit Profile
  • Doctor Specialist
  • Patient

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