Carent – Rent Car Full Flutter App with Chat | Admin Panel | GetX | Owner & Customer App Include 1 July 2023


Carent is Rental Car Full Flutter v.3.7.5 App. Marketplace rental car with Chat API Backend. Carent connects between Customer (User) and Owner Car (car renters). 2 Apps available (Customer & Owner App) in One App

Running well both Android & iOS and also Google Admob Ready. Customer have many abilities Book a car (options date & note rent), Comment and Private Chat to Owner. Forgot Password template only

Main Features:
1. Sign-in & Sign-up User (Customer or Owner Registration)
2. Login using PhoneNumber & Password.
3. Have 4 (four) Tabs, Homepage, Recent, Chat, Profile.
4. Homepage (Searching car, Slider Ads, Category, Latest, Owner, Popular rental content)
5. Homepage also have two buttons at the top, Favorites and Alert Notifications
6. Recent page is transaction history rental car. (Section Active & Done)
7. Chat page is chat history between Owner & Customer (Section Rental & Friend), text and image content.
8. Profile page is user profile (Customer or Owner profile), update profile, change photo profile and so on..
9. Detail car page, button Like/Dislike (Favorite) – Customer only.
10. Book page (add new rent car for Customer only)
11. Firebase authentication, messaging, cloud firestore , storage, push notification ready (rental transaction and also new message chat)
12. AdMob Google ready (monetize apps) – freemium.
13. Running well both Android & iOS

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