Coca project management is an app to manage projects, tasks also integrations to easily import and sync so you can manage your projects in one place. It’s high flexibility to customize and is fully documented. Coca project UI contains 120 gorgeous screen layouts with different types of UI components; 60 Light & 60 Dark Screens. this kit can save you time to code all Front-end layouts and it’s Easy to implement with your code! one of the main things is Its support for both platforms Android and iOS.
- Clean Code & Clean Design
- Flexible UI
- active Features
- Secure Login
- Smooth Transition Effects
- Urbanist Fonts
- Font Awesome Icons
- Mobile and Tablet Support
- Responsive Design
- Documentation Include
- Unique and creative Design
- Easy to Customize
- Animation Controller
- 120 awesome Screens
- Latest Flutter Version
- Figma, Sketch Added
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