Cryptowallet App v1.0.0 – Flutter UI Kit using GetX


Cryptowallet app is a Flutter App UI Kit for trading Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies. Used UI design for this app which looks something unique. App is nicely designed and developed using flutter, open-source mobile application development SDK created by Google for building natively compiled applications (Android and iOS) from a single codebase.

Core Features of Travel Flutter App UI KIT

  • UI template for  trading Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies. .
  • Light and Dark theme
  • Flexible Structure, Easy to Customize.
  • Clean and Easy Code with Clear Navigation.
  • Fully Customizable Pages and Widgets.
  • This UI Provides Easy, Enjoyable, and Effective Interaction Between the User and the App.
  • Organized Layers and Groups.
  • Optimized for both Android and iOs.
  • Reusable Elements and Widgets.
  • Responsive Design to any Device Screen!
  • The Variables, Classes and Functions are Named per their Role.
  • All Screens and Widgets are Named per their Content.
  • Saved +100 hours of development.
  • More…

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