DineHub – Restaurant Food Delivery App | CLI 0.72.4 | TypeScript | Redux Store


DineHub is a food delivery mobile app template built on top of React Native. It is available and supports both Android and IOS platforms. If you don’t wish to start development for your online food delivery service from scratch ? Yummer is your answer. App has all the necessary pages an online food requires .

Screeens Included:

02 Onboarding 2
03 Onboarding 3
04 Onboarding 4
05 Sign in
06 Forgot password
07 Forgot Password(sent email)
08 New password
09 Sign up
10 Sign up (account created)
11 Verify your phone number
12 Confirmation code
14 Home
15 Menu
16 Menu list
17 Menu item
18 Reviews
19 Favorite
20 Favorites Empty
22 Notifications
23 Burger Profile
24 Edit profile
25 Order history
26 Order history (empty)
27 Leave a Review
28 Track your order
29 Promocodes & gift cards
30 Promocodes & gift cards (empty)
31 Wallet
32 Add a new card
33 Order (empty)
34 Order
36 Checkout
39 Cart
40 Order failed!

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