DTWeb – Convert Website to a Flutter App | multiple webapp supprot | Laravel admin panel 1.5


DTWeb – Convert your Website to a Flutter App – Laravel admin panel. – you can setup your app configuration without updating your app.

Multiple Apps Manage by Single Admin panel – You can create Multiple app & manage from single admin panel

Complate solutions available using DTWeb app source code, create your app in just few minutes without coding skill.

DTWeb Application is developed in Flutter latest version 3.0.5 & using latest chromium web engine support for webview

Application Feature List:-

  • Multiple App manage by single admin panel
  • App Configuration from Backend Admin panel
  • Login feature ON/OFF from admin panel
  • Login with Gmail
  • Login with Facebook
  • Login with Mobile OTP
  • Attractive UI with Material Design.
  • bottomnavigation menus available
  • sidedrawer menus available
  • Fullscreen webview available
  • OneSignal Push Notification.
  • Firebase setup
  • Onboarding screen manage from admin panel
  • User Profile
  • App colors manage from admin panel
  • User Login and Registration
  • Awesome material Design
  • Logout
  • Beautiful UI / UX
  • OneSignal Push Notification
  • All Device Compatibility
  • Latest UI With Material Design
  • Easy to Reskin
  • Easy to Customization
  • Privacy policy page added
  • About Us page added

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