Easy Downloads – Multi Vendor Digital Product Download Marketplace 1.2


“Easy Downloads” is a complete solution for Multi Vendor Digital Product Download Marketplace which provides Premium Features to make Online Business. This CMS Includes almost everything you need to make a Digital Product Marketplace. Paypal, Stripe and Instamojo are integrated for easy payment transaction. It has many important section which are important for any Marketplace and everything is fully dynamic. This script is fully responsive for any device. Admin can manage complete website without single line of coding knowledge. It has strong SQL injection protection system which will keep away this system from hackers. Admin can make huge profit from this marketplace.

User Features

  • Bootstrap based fully responsive design for any device.
  • Cross Browser Support.
  • User Registration System
  • User Login Panel
  • Browse Product by Category, Sub Category or Child Category.
  • Search Product according to price, old and new Products
  • Review Check System.
  • Easy Review Adding System.
  • Purchase by Paypal, Stripe and Instamojo.
  • Rating and Comment System.
  • Author Following System.
  • Level and Badge Showing.
  • User Friendly Cart and Checkout System.
  • Wishlist Feature
  • Complete Descripton Checking System.
  • Return Policy Checking System.
  • Social Sharing System.
  • User Subscription.
  • Attractive frontend design.
  • Built FAQ and Contact Us page.
  • Latest Update and News Section.
  • and much more…

Author Features

  • 100% Dynamic Management System.
  • Author Registration System.
  • Awesome Dashboard with lots of Information.
  • Author Details Update System.
  • Password Change System.
  • Password Recovery System.
  • Unlimited Product Adding System.
  • Multiple Image in Single Product System.
  • Product Edit, Activate/Deactivate System.
  • Refund Management System.
  • View all the Reviews.
  • Order Statement Feature and View Order Details.
  • Ticket Management System.
  • Showing Purchase History with Details.
  • Showing Unapproved Product on Hidden Items.
  • Withdraw Payment by Paypal.
  • Withdraw Payment by Instamojo.
  • Withdraw Payment by Stripe.
  • and much more…

Admin Features

  • Easy Installation.
  • 100% Dynamic Management System.
  • Clean code to understand and modify
  • Multi Language Support.
  • Dashboard statistics.
  • Product Approval System.
  • Author Blocking System.
  • Author Removing Feature.
  • Author Email Sending System.
  • Unlimited Category Adding System.
  • Unlimited Subcategory Adding System.
  • Unlimited Child Category Adding System.
  • Built-in Paypal and Stirpe and Instamojo Integration.
  • Dynamic Customer Review System.
  • Multiple Theme Management System.
  • Multiple Product Page Management System.
  • Author Level and Badge Management Feature.
  • Dynamic Product Resubmission System.
  • Dyanmic Home Page Management Feature.
  • Email Seeting Configuring Feature.
  • Manage Role and Mangae Staff System.
  • Dyanmic Ticket System.
  • Adding Dynamic Page.
  • Payment Gateway and Currency Management System.
  • Multiple Language Management System.
  • Adding and Managing Font.
  • Easy Transaction Details System.
  • Breadcumb and Footer Management Feature.
  • Old Price Showing System.
  • Withdrawl Management System.
  • Dynamic Withdraw Fee and Percentage System.
  • Dynamic Profit Calculation System.
  • Dynamic Blog Post and Category Management System.
  • Subscribed User Export System.
  • Custom meta tag adding system for better SEO results.
  • Google Analytics Adding System.
  • Change Everything such as logo, Site Title, Favico, Footer Address from admin panel.
  • Built in About Us, FAQ and Contact Us page.
  • and much more…

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