Easy Web – Android Native WebView | WebToApp Template with Admob and Push Notification


Easy Web – Android Native WebView | WebToApp Template with Admob and Push Notification

Template Features

    • Navigation Drawer :
      This template has an awesome looking navigation drawer .You will have multiple menu available in this drawer.


    • File upload :
      This app handles file uploads.


    • Theme :
      This app has a settings option and from there you can customize your theme , location access , zoom and many more settings.


    • Content Upload :
      You can upload any content from you device to server


    • Pull To Refresh :
      You can pull your screen to refresh.


    • Caching :
      It cache your websites data.


    • Smart Title Bar :
      If your website provides a title, This app will automatically grab it and show it in title bar. Otherwise default app name will be shown


    • Progress Bar :
      It will show a smart progressbar while loading page.


    • Smart Rate This App :
      There is an option in navigation drawer named rate this app. User can rate this app through clicking this link.


    • Share :
      User also have an option to share this app.


    • Handleing Native Actions :
      If your website has links to google play or has a phone number to dial or an email address , This app will try to launch default play store , dialer , mail apps and many more.


    • Splash Screen :
      It will show a smart splash screen while launching the app . You can turn it off as per instructions.


    • Admob :
      You can integrate google admob network advertisement and monetize you app.


    • Analytics :
      You also have option to track this app via google analytics . Just grab your analytics id and follow documentation.


    • Color Customizations :
      You can customize the color as per your wish.


    • Smoothness :
      This template will run very smoothly from android version 4.0.3 and up.


    • Lite :
      This template is very lite in size.


    • Documentation :
      Template includes a step by step documentation and consists of clean and readable Code.


    • Menu :
      It has a menubar . You can reload , Go back , Go forward , Home and many more options available.


    • About Dialog :
      It has a fancy ‘About Us Dialogue’ .You can easily customize your ‘About’ text here.


    • Exit Dialog :
      While exiting the app , it will ask user if the user surely wants to exit or not.


    • Smart Error Handeling :
      If there is no internet Connection or there is some Error , It will show a screen instead of regular Error Screen.


    • Colored Toast :
      It has coloured toast notification rather than regular boring toast.


    • Powerful Chromium Engine :
      This template uses latest chromium engine.


  • Powerful Download Handler :
    This app handles downloads automatically.

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