ERP OS – ERP, POS, Inventory, Invoice Software 16 November 2023


Introducing ERP OS – the all-in-one Node.js and React.js based ERP software that simplifies your business management needs. From inventory and invoice tracking to staff and shop management, our modern ERP solution streamlines your daily operations. Whether you run a small business or a large enterprise, our software is designed to help you efficiently manage your shop or store, inventory, sales, purchases, customers, suppliers, invoices, payments, and more.


  • Elegant dashboard design
  • Datewise total sales, purchase, and invoice number
  • Datewise Sales vs Profit time-series graph
  • Sale vs Purchase pie chart
  • Top buying customers by Sales and Profit in the Bar chart


  • Manage product list and quantity
  • Add new product
  • Edit, delete & view products
  • Category-wise product manage
  • New Category create


  • Make invoice with auto calculation
  • View the purchase invoice and history of payments
  • Make payment to the due invoice
  • View datewise total purchase invoice, amount, due, and paid
  • On purchase, Inventory products will be updated

Purchases Returns

  • Return products of any purchase invoice
  • On return payment and stock will be auto-adjusted


  • Generate sale invoice against any customer
  • View the sales invoice and history of payments
  • Receive payment to the due invoice
  • View datewise total sale invoice, amount, due, paid, and profit

Sales Returns

  • Return products of any sale invoice
  • On return payment and stock will be auto-adjusted


  • Manage all supplier
  • Add, edit, delete & view suppliers
  • View all purchase invoices of a single supplier
  • Manage supplier’s due and other records


  • Manage all customer
  • Add, edit, delete & view customer
  • View all purchase invoices of a single supplier
  • Manage customer’s due and other records

HR Manage

  • Add, edit, delete & view users, assign roles
  • Add, edit, delete & view customers, and suppliers
  • Create new Designation and assign it to your staff
  • Fully dynamic Permission and Role management
  • Level of access control


  • General Ledger (all transactions)
  • Individual ledger (accounts wise transactions)
  • Trial Balance
  • Balance Sheet
  • Income Statement (Profit and Loss report)


  • All transaction history with datewise pagination
  • Total datewise sales and profit
  • Total datewise purchase
  • Customers, suppliers, due, top-buying-customers


  • POS interface and thermal invoice printing
  • PWA – mobile app available on both Android and iOS
  • Pagination in all table view
  • Datewise data view in table

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