Eventik | iOS Social Events Application


Eventik is a great solution for those who need to quickly build a mobile app to list events, conferences or concerts that will happen at specific dates and locations


iOS Swift language – Native Xcode project – Edit the template as you wish with the power of Xcode and Swift.

Storyboard, iOS 11.0 and above, Universal – Run your app on all iOS devices

DBase API – Host DBase into your own VPS server (AWS Lightsail is strongly recommended)

Browse events from people you follow – Besides seeing posts in the Home screen, there’s a dedicated page where you can view events from the user you’re following.

Search for events by keywords, location and category – Finding nice stuff to do is super easy and it’s all handled by the Home screen.

Edit/Delete Events – People can edit or delete their own posts from the “My Events” section in the Account screen.

Share events – Users help the Admin to get the app more popular by sharing it to social networks, Mail or SMS.

Get directions to events – The Event details page shows a preview of its location. The “Get Directions” button opens the native Maps application to calculate the route.

Submissions notifications – The Admin gets an email when an event has been submitted or edited.

See your Account’s info – Users can see a list of events they’re interested to, as well as the ones they submitted for review.

Setting screen – This section offers options like Reset Password, Edit Profile’s info, Contact the Admin, and read the Terms of Service.

Terms of Use and Privacy Policy HTML file (GDPR compliant) – The template contains a ‘tou.html’ file the Admin can edit to display his Terms of Service to the app’s folks.

Google Sign in – People can quickly sign with their Google account from the Intro page.

Push Notifications – Users will receive notifications for likes and followers.

AdMob Interstitial ads – Get some revenue from full-screen advertisement banners

Modern, clean design – The UI has been carefully crafted to offer the best user experience to your clients.

Online Documentation – Read the extensive guide of this template to be able to configure it properly.

PSD icons included in the package – App and buttons icons are stored into a PSD folder, for easy image replacement.

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