Google Calendar add-on | Infix LMS Laravel Learning Management System


Google Calendar is a time-management and scheduling calendar service developed by Google. It enables employees to create to-do lists and automatically receive reminders to complete specific tasks.

How to work:

  • InfixLMS should be pre-installed on your server.
  • Purchase GoogleMeet Module for InfixLMS from Codecanyon.
  • Download and install this GoogleMeet Module to your InfixLMS portal.
  • Configure from Google Calendar Setting
  • Allow Google Calendar API, Client ID & Client Secret.
  • URL Redirect (also referred to as URL Forwarding) is a technique that is used to redirect your domain’s visitors to a different URL
  • If you want to add an Account on your Gmail for google calendar then go to the InfixLMS google calendar to click on the account
  • The virtual classes list that an admin can add to google calendar for course notification when students enroll in the course

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