GoResumeCV – SAAS Resume Builder Online – Regular License 1.0.4


GoResumeCV – SAAS Resume Builder Online GoResumeCV – SAAS Online Resume Builder Use the best resume maker as your guide. Getting that dream job can seem like an impossible task. We’re here to change that. Give yourself a real advantage with the best online resume maker

  • Management ResumeCVs.
  • Management Billings.
  • Easy builder template with Admin build template feature .
  • Templates
  • Account setting payment (PayPal, Stripe)
  • Account setting
  • Google captcha
  • Login with facebook google
  • Google analytics
  • Admin: General settings
  • Admin: Management Localization
  • Admin: Management E-mail Settings
  • Admin: Management Social Integrations
  • Admin: Management Templates
  • Admin: Management Template Categories
  • Admin: Management Pages Website
  • Admin: Management Users
  • Admin: Management Modules Manager
  • And many more…

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