Hey! | iOS Universal Short Messaging App Template (Swift)


Hey! is a Universal App Template where you can send short messages like hey! to all those friends who are registered in the app with just a tap. It’s that simple, the simplest communication app ever.

Hey! | iOS Universal Short Messaging App Template (Swift) - 23

  • XCode 11.4+ project – Swift 4.5+ – 64bit
  • Universal – Storyboard – iOS 13.5+
  • Admob banners
  • Facebook login
  • Backend with Parse SDK hosted on back{4}app
  • Push Notifications for sent heys!
  • Send hey! with text, your location or a picture
  • Invite friends by SMS or email
  • Browse received heys!, reply, block/remove Friends
  • Search for friends by name
  • PDF User Guide and PSD included
  • Easy to customize | Well commented code


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