iOS Album Gallery + Photo Collage


This app written in swift 5 brings to users a Gallery app where user can create many Albums. Gallery Image can also filtered by: Recent, Popular & Favourite. Each Image have their details like Title, Date and Notes or Description(editable). Large Image view with thumbnail slider and zoom with Tap Gesture. Photo Collage with 13 variant styles, user can also download or share it.


  • Create Albums and add images
  • Add or Remove image as Favourite
  • Images Filter by: Recent, Popular and Favourite
  • Large Image view with Thumbnail Slider
  • Zoom Image by Tap Gesture
  • Image Swipe with animation
  • Share & Download Image
  • Each Image have their Detail : Title, Date and Description(editable)
  • Photo Collage with 13 variant styles
  • Photo collage decorate using Background Color & Image Radius
  • Photo Collage can Download & Share
  • Unique and Awesome app UI Design
  • Auto resize with all iPhones
  • Clean & Commented swift 5 code
  • Easy Customisation
  • Well Documentation

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