MegaDin – Responsive Admin Dashboard Template


MegaDin is a Bootstrap based web UI kit, powered by Gulp, Bower and SCSS. Its very easy to customise and developer friendly. It is fully responsive admin dashboard template and very much adaptive with any size viewport including iPhone, iPad, android phone and tablet. It has a huge collection of reusable UI components and integrated with latest jQuery plugins.

  • 6 Different Dashboard
  • Fully Responsive
  • Bootstrap 3.3.7 Framework
  • jQuery v2.2.4
  • Full SASS Support
  • Gulp Automation System
  • Bower Package
  • 8 Different Charts Plugins
  • 100+ Integrated Plugins
  • 500+ UI Components
  • 3000+ Fonts Icons
  • 100+ Valid Pages
  • Data Table Export to CSV, Excel, PDF, Copy and Print
  • Mega Menu (Horizontal Mega Menu + Toggle Mega Menu)
  • Forms Validation
  • Developer Friendly Code
  • Open Sans Google Font
  • Language Switch Bar
  • Multilevel Menu
  • eCommerce
    • Dashboard
    • Orders
    • Order View
    • Products
    • Product Edit
  • Layouts
    • Horizontal & Sidebar Menu
    • Sidebar Mini Dark/Light Example
    • Sidebar Fixed Page Example
    • Sidebar Dark/Light Example
    • Boxed Page Example
    • Blank Page Example
    • Full Width height layout
    • MegaMenu Example
    • Header color variation
  • Apps & charts
    • Mailbox
    • Notes
    • Todo List
    • Products
    • 8 Different Charts (eCharts, High Chart, Rickshaw, C3, NVD3, Flot, Morris, Chartjs etc)
  • UI Features
    • General
    • Buttons
    • Tree
    • Nestable
    • Sliders
    • Tabs & Accordions
    • Grids
    • Icon Fonts
    • Calendar
    • Timeline
    • Panels
    • Toastr Notification
    • Search Result
    • Chat Page
    • Gallery List
    • Directory List
    • Pricing Table
  • Data Tables
    • Basic Tables
    • Dynamic Tables
  • Form
    • Form Layouts
    • Form Advanced
    • Form Wizard
    • Form Validation
    • Form Editor
    • Inline Editor
    • Dropzone
    • File Upload
  • Extra Pages
    • Profile
    • Invoice
    • Login
    • Registration
    • Forgot Password
    • Lock Screen
    • Error 404
    • Error 500
  • Free Support
  • Well Documentation

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