Mingle SAAS – Social Auto Poster & Scheduler PHP Script 5.1.4


Mingle – Social Auto Poster is a SaaS-based Social Media Auto Poster & Scheduler with payment gateway support and a wise choice to publish your content automatically on well-known social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Google My Business, Reddit, Blogger and Pinterest. Mingle – Social Auto Poster will help you confidently create, manage and track membership subscriptions and sell social media auto poster tools as a service. With the help of this SaaS-based Social Auto Poster, you can reach out to the world with just a click. Therefore the saying that “the world is just one click away” we are the ones making it come true.

Key Features

  • SaaS Integrated
  • Membership Levels
  • Payment Gateway
  • Payment Tracking
  • Upgrades and Renewal with Proration (distribution)
  • Auto Post New Content
  • Configure Unlimited no. of Social Media Accounts
  • Scheduled Posting
  • Total Control Over Social Media Shares
  • Logs Statistics / Posting Statistics
  • Share Your Content More Than Once
  • Customize Message Format
  • URL Shortener
  • Quick Publication View
  • Manage Membership & Customers
  • Multilingual Support

Admin Features

  • Add/Edit Membership levels
  • Enable social networks access for each membership levels
  • Pricing and Duration for membership levels
  • Add/Edit customers
  • Assign membership to customer
  • Add/Edit membership
  • Track/Edit payments
  • Payment Gateway settings (Manual payments and stripe)
  • Email templates
  • Profile information, photo, password change option
  • Forget and reset password option

Customer Features

  • Login, forget and reset password option
  • Change profile information, photo and password
  • Social network configuration
  • Quick post
  • Multi post (Post schedule option)
  • Social posting logs
  • Social posting reports
  • Posting debug logs
  • Google Analytics campaign tracking
  • Enable or disable auto posting for specific network
  • Configure unlimited no. of Social media accounts
  • Total control over Social media shares
  • Customize message format
  • URL shortener
  • Posting preview

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