Multipurpose Business Website CMS For Corporate Company, Agency And Industry 4.1


This script is a multipurpose business website CMS (Content Management System), Which is fully customizable and 100% dynamic. By using our powerful Admin panel you can manage About Us (Inc. Mission & Vision) and Contact Page Details very easily. You can manage your website Sliders, Portfolios / Projects (Gallery), Services, Partners / Clients, Pricing Packages / Plan, Testimonials / Reviews, Team Members, FAQ’s (frequently asked questions) / Knowledge Base, Blog / News Posts, Work Process, Features / Why Choose Us, Counters, Quote Request, Estimate and Invoice , Messages / Emails, Subscribers List, Others Custom Pages, Social Profiles & More.

Website Features:

  • 100% Dynamic Contents.
  • About Us & Contact Page
  • Services Page
  • Portfolios & Category Page
  • FAQs & Category Page
  • Pricing Plan Page
  • Blog Pages & Search
  • Sliders Section
  • Features Section
  • Work Process Section
  • Counter Section
  • Testimonial Section
  • Clients / Partners Section
  • Team Members Section
  • Get A Quote Request
  • Invoice & Payment
  • Subscribe Section
  • Messenger Live Chat Integrated
  • WhatsApp Live Chat Integrated
  • Translatable Content
  • Google Font Integration
  • Built with Bootstrap v4
  • Responsive Design
  • Font Awesome Icons
  • Animated CSS Integration
  • Fully Customizable
  • Contact Mail System Integration
  • Custom Logo & Icons
  • SEO Optimized
  • Cross Browser Support.
  • Custom CSS Settings
  • Custom Meta Keyword Settings
  • SEO Friendly URL Slug
  • Social Meta Tags Integrated

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