MyStream | Android Universal Social Network App Template + Web PHP version


MyStream is an app template where you can post anything you would like to show to the world, like pictures, videos, audio recordings, and stickers, as well as any text you want.

MyStream | Android Universal Social Network App Template + Web PHP version - 16

  • Android Studio 4.x – Universal – Android 10+
  • Universal – Android 10+
  • AdMob Interstitial ads
  • Works with Parse Server hosted on back4app
  • Push Notifications for likes and comments and Messages
  • Chat Messages section
  • Post Pictures, Videos, Audio recordings, Stickers and Text
  • Settings screen to edit your profile, check your Activity, app version, and much more
  • Terms of Use HTML file (to be edited)
  • Report inappropriate/offensive users, comments and posts to the Admin
  • PDF User Guide included
  • PSD icon graphics included
  • Easy to customize, well commented code


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