Nearme – Ionic v6 Theme – City Guide / Business Directory Template w/ Admin Portal


Nearme is a complete solution to create a location-based app for Android, iOS, and the web. This starter comes with an Admin Portal, a web-based solution where admin users can manage and view categories, places, reviews, slider images, users and send push notifications to users.

App Features

  • Nearby, featured and most recent places
  • Nearby places via Google Maps
  • Filter places by Category
  • Posts/Deals Listing
  • Submit places (pending approval by admin)
  • Call to place, directions by map and open external website
  • Publish and view reviews
  • Sign In/ Sign Up + Facebook Login
  • Password recovery
  • Account Management (Profile, Change Password, Logout)
  • Favorites
  • Search places by keywords
  • Multi-language
  • RTL Support
  • PWA support
  • Push Notifications

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