Noemi – Lifestyle & Fashion Blog


Noemi – is pure and simple wordpress blog theme for all fans of beautiful design and flexible functionality. Noemi is created to emphasize individuality and to focus on creativity and independence of bloggers. To even more underline all Noemi advantages we have added custom slider, custom colors, instagram widget, featured categories and many other options and features which makes Noemi powerful tool with truly elegant design.


  • Responsive Design
  • Two types of header
  • With big logo in center
  • Full width
  • Boxed
  • With small logo in left top
  • Full width
  • Boxed
  • Featured Slider
  • Featured Carousel
  • Featured Categoriesn
  • 12 Different Blog Layouts
  • Standard
  • Two col
  • Three col
  • Three col Masonry
  • List style 1
  • Mixed
  • Left image
  • Right image
  • List style 2
  • Mixed
  • Left image
  • Right image
  • Post Formats
  • Standard Posts
  • Video Posts
  • Audio Posts
  • Gallery Posts
  • Music Posts
  • Vimeo Post
  • YouTube Post
  • Dailymotion Post

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