OneJobPortal – Jobs board and resume builder


OneJobPortal – Jobs board and resume builder

Job Seeker: After registration job seeker can perform following actions:

  • Free Registration
  • Created Profile
  • Builder Resume
  • Public Resume
  • Download PDF resumeCV
  • Edit profile
  • Apply on Jobs
  • Search Jobs
  • Manage Applied Jobs
  • Login with social

Job provider’s (Companies) can perform following action:

  • Free Registration
  • Created Profile
  • Edit profile
  • Employer Packages
  • Post Jobs
  • Manage Posted Jobs
  • Edit or Delete Jobs
  • Manage Applied Candidates
  • Payment with Striper or PayPal
  • Login with social
  • Public apply jobs

Administrator can manage whole website:

  • Admin users
  • Manage Jobs
  • Manage Companies
  • Manage Seekers
  • Manage Content Pages
  • Manage SEO
  • Manage Site Languages
  • Manage locations
  • Manage Employer Packages
  • Manage Site Settings
  • Manage Job Attributes
  • ManagerADS…

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