Openbook – SaaS-based Accounting & Inventory Software 14 July 2023


Openbook is a complete SaaS-based Accounting & Inventory Software that gives your customers the ability to create and manage businesses, invoices, estimates, customers, income , expenses , receiable, payable. we can create multiple businesses with different currencies so they can easily keep track of their businesses in one platform. Smart, simple online accounting software for small business Get the most efficient way to manage accounting & finance for modern businesses. Openbook is built with C#, .NET 7, Blazor Server.


    • Sales: Manage end-to-end sales process for both goods and services
      • Sales Invoice/Billing
      • Customer Payment
      • Credit Note/Sales Return
      • Customer Payment Allocation
      • Track Payments
    • Purchase: Manage end-to-end purcahse process and suppliers.
      • Manage Supplier
      • Purchase Bill
      • Expenses
      • Supplier Payment
      • Debit Note
      • Supplier Payment Allocation
    • Inventory Management : Track your inventory’s position at different locations, manage your product/ services.
      • Item Management
      • Item Category
      • Unit of measurement
      • Category
      • Manual Inventory Adjustment
  • Accounting : Manage all accounting activities from a single place
    • Chart Of Account
    • Banking
    • Journal Voucher
    • Payment Made
    • Payment Receipt
  • Reports : Track your finance and taxes with accurate accounting and tax reports in real-time.
    • Accounting Reports
    • Receivable/Payable Reports
    • Sales/Purchase Report
    • Inventory Reports:
    • Payroll Reports
  • Payroll : Here are some of the important features for payroll software, benefits, and things to consider when you want to choose the payroll module for your business.
    • Employee
    • Attendance
    • Monthly Salary
    • Advance Payment
    • Bonus Deduction

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