Panda Resort 8 – CMS for Single Hotel – Booking System


Web agency or just an owner of hotel, resort, spa, lodging or bed and breakfast? This CMS is built for you! Add your rooms. Manage your prices. Create original activities and tours, extra services and follow up your bookings!


  • Quick install in 5 minutes only! (quick installation wizard, no skill required)
  • Portable: localhost, root, subdirectory, subdomain or not… Wherever you like!
  • Fully responsive design (front office and back office)
  • Easy to customize (manage your own templates and models)
  • Complete Booking system (until the payment)
  • Availability management
  • iCal Synchronization
  • Multiple payment methods: PayPal, cards, 2Checkout, Braintree, Razorpay…
  • User friendly
  • Inuitive admin panel
  • Multiple users
  • Create easily pages, subpages, articles and choose your layout
  • Powerful Ajax file manager (videos, images, documents)
  • Enable/Disable comments on the articles
  • Create and customize widgets
  • Powerfull search engine
  • Multi-language (add new languages and manage your translations)
  • Ready for “right to left” languages (arabic, hebrew)
  • SEO ready (clean URL, structured datas, respect for the principles of Google…)
  • High performance level (page speed optimization)
  • Powerfull security (CSRF, XSS, SQL Injection)
  • Customizable and scalable back office
  • Light weight
  • Icons font (Font Awesome)
  • Google Maps API V3
  • Helpful documentation

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