Pringo – Gatsby Marketing Template


Pringo – React JS Digital Marketing Website Template is an exclusive agency web template based on React JS that is aimed at digital marketing agency websites. This purpose-built digital marketing agency website template allows you to quickly and easily construct a robust web presence for your company without breaking a sweat.


  • Build with latest React (v18.2.0)
  • Build with latest Gatsby (v5.7.0)
  • React Hooks used
  • Blog Complete markdown format supported
  • No jQuery Dependency
  • CSS in use Emotion JS & Theme ui plugin
  • 01 Home Variations
  • Dynamic Blog, Case Studies & Services Page
  • Disqus Comment
  • React Build With Bootstrap 2.0.0-beta.6
  • Fully Responsive Design
  • Gatsby plugin image (v1.7.0)
  • Clean Code
  • Icofont Icons
  • Speed Optimized
  • SEO Friendly
  • Cross Browser Support
  • Well Documented
  • No console error

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