React JS Login Registration Script & User Management Admin Panel


React Login Panel with admin and User   The script can easily be merged into an existing website.   The example pages and scripts (login, registration, forgotten password, etc.) included in the script can be customized to be used in your own website or can fit neatly in to your existing website.       The administration panel allows you to administer your users and change various site settings. As an ad, min you can add, edit or delete users.  It is built on Bootstrap and is fully customizable.

  • Can be added in your website easily.
  • Protect your site’s pages or sections of pages by login status.
  • User login using PHP sessions, navigate across pages and stay logged on.
  • Promote regular users to admins who will have some admin functions.
  • Users can change profile settings, change passwords, e-mail addresses.
  • Forgot Password feature.
  • Admin can add, activate, ban, edit or delete users.
  • View and display Active Users.
  • Passwords are individually hashed.
  • Confirm password & e-mail address on registration.
  • Customizable Admin Skin which uses Bootstrap CSS.
  • Fully customizable script with each function commneted.

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