Responsive for WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer)


Responsive for WPBakery Page Builder is a powerful plugin that helps users create parameters and define responsive feature for any elements in any devices.

  • Responsive Border
  • Responsive Border-radius
  • Responsive Margin
  • Responsive Padding
  • Responsive Background
  • Responsive Color
  • Responsive Font size
  • Responsive Line-heigh
  • Responsive Letter spacing
  • Responsive Text align
  • Responsive Font weight
  • Responsive Font style
  • Responsive Text transform
  • Responsive Text decoration
  • Responsive Word spacing
  • Responsive White space
  • Responsive Text overflow
  • Responsive Display
  • Responsive Width
  • Responsive Height
  • Responsive Max-Width
  • Responsive Max-Height
  • Responsive Position
  • Custom Selector apply css
  • Unlimited devices
  • Clean code
  • Sample data
  • Documentation online

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