Scripts Dequeuer


If you are running a WordPress website with good amount of traffic and expect decent revenue from it, you would be already aware about importance of site speed and performance optimization. A fast loading site can improve traffic and engage more users for you. While optimization can be done in many ways like, using caching plugins, optimized images, using CDN, etc., there are some situations which need a completely different approach.

For example, consider a case in which two different plugins use same CSS files (say, fontawesome CSS) and load them individually. Or consider a case in which two plugins are loading same JavaScript file, say, jQuery validate or jQuery Masonry individually. While WordPress takes very good care of preventing redundant enqueue by checking for same script handle names, such situation may still arise if the script handle names are different.

In such cases, the only direct solution is to dequeue/deactivate one of those redundant scripts for optimizing performance. While this can be done directly by adding some code in theme’s functions.php file, one would definitely like to have a user friendly way in which he/she can deactivate scripts without having to fiddle with the code. Scripts Dequeuer is developed to provide you such feature which lets you dequeue scripts and stylesheets in user friendly manner. The plugin is fast, light weighted, and is worth installing for such nifty feature.

Key features

  • Compatible with WordPress 6.2.x
  • Unbranded settings panel with JavaScript tab navigation
  • Shows complete list of scripts and styles detected on front end
  • Detects scripts and stylesheets which are enqueued using WordPress native hook
  • Ability to dequeue all scripts and stylesheets at once, or as per selection
  • Option for excluding pages or posts per dequeue item for skipping dequeue operation. – New
  • Shows separate portlets for “Dequeue list”, “Successfully dequeued list”, and “not dequeued list”
  • Each portlet shows file count for better idea about number of files
  • Custom “Add URL” option with jQuery sortable list
  • Force dequeue option for ignoring script dependencies
  • Clean and optimized code as per WordPress coding standards
  • 100% Translation ready with sample .pot file included
  • Documentation help manual with usage instructions
  • Works with most themes and plugins (free + premium)
  • Compatible on all major browsers with IE 9+
  • Dedicated support in reasonable time span

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