Shoporder (Android) – e-commerce application (single and multi vendor)


Shoporder is an ecommerse application for sell any items via android app platform. This app is with multivendor or multisaller application. super admin can manage all the data via admin panel, also super admin can create more vendor or saller under his observation or management. so subadmin / vendor can be sell their items using admin panel via this app. it’s not necessory to create subadmin, client can use this app code for make sigle admin or single store application too for more details follow admin panel, demo application and screenshots.


Android Side

  • Attractive UI with Material Design
  • Register and login/Forgot password
  • item listing with category, subcategory and sub product
  • item pricing and description
  • add items to wishlist
  • short and filter items
  • Add to cart option
  • Update number of
  • Checkout order
  • Apply promo code
  • pay online with RazorPay and paypal payment gateway
  • cash on delivery option for payment
  • Orderlist with order details
  • cancle particuler items from order before order shipped
  • Membership functionality for free delivery charges and special promocode.
  • Earn points with shopping and get discount using earned points
  • Pending, Packed, Out For Delivey and Delivered status of order
  • Email notification to user, super admin and vendor as per item seller
  • write and read Review items
  • Rate App, Share App, About Us, Terms and condition Screen
  • Manage user profile
  • Store, remove and edit address list
  • OneSignal Push Notification from Admin Panel
  • Admob with Banner and Interstitial ads
  • Easy and secure with respnsive admin panel
  • Android Studio Code

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