SimplyMart Mobile App Template | Android App + Ecommerce iOS App Template | Angular 10 | Ionic 5


Are you looking for a complete UI App Template for your e-commerce app? If yes – then you are at the right place. SimplyMart is an attractive and modern UI kit for both Android and iOS. It is a complete B2C eCommerce app template built with IONIC 5 & Angular 10.

App Screens :

  • Login
  • Register
  • Forget Password
  • Home
  • My Account
  • Single Product View
  • Category Products View
  • Change Password
  • Password Change – success and failed pages
  • Wishlist
  • Cart
  • Orders
  • Search Page
  • Add New Address
  • My Addresses
  • Notifications
  • Checkout
  • Payment Page
  • Application Language
  • Order success and failed pages
  • Track Order
  • Account Setting
  • Terms and Conditions
  • Privacy Policy
  • Refund Policy
  • About App
  • Help

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