SMM Pro- Advanced Social Media Marketing CMS 3.0


SMM Pro is a complete solution for an Social Media Marketing Platform. Users can use this system to get all the social media marketing opportunities. Anyone can register for these marketing services, and This System includes almost everything you need to make an online social media marketing platform, you can use this system as an API also. API system in this script is straightforward to use and you will have full source code without any kind of encryption. So, you can modify or extend it according to your needs.

SMM Pro comes with different kinds of Social media marketing features, also it comes with mass order, standard deposit system, balance transfer, support multiple languages, multiple currencies, Two Factor authentication and advanced referrals system. Also, the User will appropriately get all the transaction details. Everything is dynamic and can be set up from the admin panel. It has a strong SQL injection protection system that will keep this system from hackers.

This script is perfectly created with lots of known online payment gateways to make the payment easier, flexible, and comfortable. SMM Pro is easily installable and you can manage this script more easily with user-friendly features and an interactive interface with a fully responsive design. It’s designed for everyone, whether is the user technical or non-technical. Anyone can interact with the interface easily and comfortably.

The SMM Pro will make you Successful for sure in the Social Media marketing business arena as well as it will save your Marketing cost also for this one you don’t need any Coding Skills. SMM Pro may assist you to handle unlimited users, payments, accept a good number of payment gateways, Supports Multiple Languages, and Multiple Currencies. You can easily manage which currency will be accepted or not, Also you can set the system base currency.

If you are looking for the Best Online Social Media Marketing script which will grow your business to the next level then SMM Pro will be the right choice for you. It takes only a few minutes to set up your website with our system. So, Let’s Start Your own Social Media Marketing platform with SMM Pro

Admin Panel:

  • Standard Dashboard Statistics
  • Showing Total user and total provider number
  • Its return total services number and total orders number
  • Total Currency number and total role number also showing
  • Display total staff number and default currency name
  • Showing all the order statistics in the dashboard
  • Showing all the deposit statistics in the dashboard
  • Get all the registered users list with the details from the dashboard
  • Get all the transaction report
  • User management with all the necessary information
  • Able to create a new currency
  • Currency API Key management
  • Smart Country details management
  • Category Management
  • Provider Information Management
  • Able to create new providers
  • Balance transfer settings management
  • Referral information management
  • API Actions management
  • Standard orders management
  • Manages cron job
  • Service category management
  • Get all the services list
  • Able to create new services
  • Advanced sorting and searching criteria
  • Standard service import system
  • Advanced Role Management
  • Staff Management
  • Able to create a new payment gateway
  • Get all the deposit data
  • Website and site information settings
  • Logo and favicon management
  • Cookie content information management
  • All the pages settings management
  • Advanced Menu builder setting
  • Site contents setting
  • Blog category management
  • Blog post management
  • Advanced SEO settings
  • Email Templates Management
  • Opportunity to Configure the Email
  • Group email sending feature
  • Standard SMS Settings
  • SMS Gateway management
  • SMS template management
  • Advanced website and admin language
  • Support ticket management
  • Advanced system update feature
  • Clear Cache Features
  • Password Changing and Recovery System
  • Able to Edit Own Profile
  • And much more..

User Panel

  • Smart Dashboard Statistics
  • User Registration System
  • Total Balance and Total Balance Transfer amount showing
  • Total Deposit amount and Total Referral number return
  • Total, Completed, Processing and Progress order number showing
  • Pending, Partial, Canceled and Refunded order number showing
  • Auto-Generated Referral URL showing in the dashboard
  • All the Recent orders showing on the dashboard
  • Able to make a new orders from the orders menu
  • Get mass order opportunity
  • Get all the order history with details information
  • All the Services list showing
  • Standard Deposit System with a number of Payment methods
  • Get all the deposit history list
  • Standard money transferring system
  • Get all the transfer history list
  • The system returns all the transactions list with details
  • Get API documentation
  • Get all the referrals users and bonus amount
  • Advanced two-factor authentication settings
  • Able to create a new support ticket
  • Get All the support ticket list
  • Account Settings with Account Status
  • Contact Information Update Opportunity
  • Password Changing and Recovery System
  • And much more..

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