Storyteller | Android Universal Video Sharing App Template


Storyteller is a Universal App Template where you can record a video for a length of max. 20 seconds and post them within the app based on categories (like Comedy, Food, Places, DIY, etc.), share their title and link to social networks, Mail and SMS.

Storyteller | Android Universal Video Sharing App Template - 16

  • Android Studio 3.x project – Java/XML
  • Universal – Android 5.0+
  • AdMob Interstitial ads
  • Works with Parse SDK hosted on back{4}app
  • Push Notifications for Follows
  • Settings screen with Change Password feature
  • Terms Of use HTML file (to be edited)
  • Report inappropriate/offensive Videos
  • Record videos and post them by choosing a Category and typing a Title.
  • PDF User Guide included
  • PSD icon graphics included
  • Easy to customize, well commented code

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