Tagih – Simple Neat Banking Admin Dashboard Figma


How do you manage your finance all this long? Take a note of every transaction you made, how much you spend and how much you save in a book? That’s an old way that should be left for a long time because it’s time to use the more modern, simple and easy way in managing your finance by using Tagih, a simple neat banking admin dashboard template that suitable for wallet, digital money, digital payment, invoice, payment admin, transaction history, or any other admin dashboard.

List of screens:

  • Dashboard
  • Balance
  • Balance Summary
  • Cards
  • Chats
  • Invoices
  • Add New Invoice
  • Add New Transaction
  • Payment Sources
  • Savings
  • Settings
  • Transaction Details
  • Transaction History
  • Users
  • Notification & Latest activity
  • Color and text styles

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