TripGo – Tourist iOS App With Admin Panel


TripGo iOS Application With Admin Panel

Users can also see the location of the place and the hotel.TripGo application is global that is should be accessed from anywhere and anytime through the internet.

The main goal of this application is that the user can get information about the visiting place in Gujarat and goes to that place.

Factors that Motivate People to Travel. The most common reasons for the people to travel away from home are

• To spend holidays leisurely
• To visit friends and relatives
• To attend business and professional engagements
• To get health treatment
• To undertake religious pilgrimages. Any other personal motives


Travelling is going from the place of residence or work to another distant or a neigh-boring place by any means of transport. Routine commutation can be termed as travelling.

TripGo is an application which provides information about the places to visit. It Provides an information about hotels and tour guides. With this application user can read news related to Gujarat’s visiting place.


  • Admin can manage overall database.
  • Admin can view and manage register user.
  • Admin can view and manage city.
  • Admin can view and manage category.
  • Admin can view and manage place details.
  • Admin can view and manage hotel.
  • Admin can view and manage guide.
  • Admin can view and manage Gujarat news.
  • Admin can view and manage useful links.
  • Admin can manage about Gujarat details.
  • Admin can view place ratings.
  • Admin can view hotel ratings.
  • Admin can view hotel ratings.
  • Admin can login and logout.


  • User can Register, Login and Logout.
  • User can view and manage their profile and details.
  • User can view Places Information.
  • User can view Hotels Information.
  • User can view Guide Information.
  • User can view City.
  • User can view Categories.
  • User can view and manage Favourite Place.
  • User can view About Gujarat Details.
  • User can view Gujarat News.
  • User can view Place and Hotel Location.
  • User can book the Hotel Room.
  • User can hire Guide.
  • User can view and add Hotel Rating & Feedback.
  • User can view and add Place Rating & Feedback.
  • User can view and add Guide Rating & Feedback.


  • Hotel can Register, Login and Logout.
  • Hotel can view and manage their profile and details.
  • Hotel can view Places Information.
  • Hotel can view Hotels Information.
  • Hotel can view Guide Information.
  • Hotel can view City.
  • Hotel can view Categories.
  • Hotel can view About Gujarat Details.
  • Hotel can view Gujarat News.
  • Hotel can view Place and Hotel Location.
  • Hotel can view and manage Room Details.
  • Hotel can view and manage Booking Details.
  • Hotel can view Hotel Rating & Feedback.
  • Hotel can view Place Rating & Feedback.
  • Hotel can view Guide Rating & Feedback.


  • Guide can Register, Login and Logout.
  • Guide can view and manage their profile and details.
  • Guide can view Places Information.
  • Guide can view Hotels Information.
  • Guide can view Guide Information.
  • Guide can view City.
  • Guide can view Categories.
  • Guide can view About Gujarat Details.
  • Guide can view Gujarat News.
  • Guide can view Place and Hotel Location.
  • Guide can view and manage user request to hire.
  • Guide can view Hotel Rating & Feedback.
  • Guide can view Place Rating & Feedback.
  • Guide can view Guide Rating & Feedback.

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