Uzmart – Seller app


This is not a standalone app. It is part of Uzmart – Multi-Vendor E-commerce Marketplace – eCommerce Mobile App, Web, Seller and Admin Panel

Seller App has function


  • Total and delivery earnings
  • Total order tax
  • Total commission
  • In Progress/ Delivered/ Cancelled Orders
  • Out of stock products
  • Total Products
  • Order reviews
  • Order in this months
  • Top 100 Customers with details
  • Top 100 Seller products with details
  • Notification

  • Shop edit/delete
  • Shop status
  • Shop name
  • Shop users
  • Phone
  • Descriptions
  • Open/close hours
  • Visibility
  • MIN amount
  • TAX
  • Commission
  • Address
  • Delivery range
  • Select shop location
  • Map
    POS system

  • Filter products/shops/category/brands
  • Add to cart
  • Variants: colors/size/etc
  • In stock/ out of stock
  • Select users/ search users
  • Multi-currency
  • Payment type
  • Wallet
  • Address
  • Select delivery type
  • Select delivery time
  • Select delivery date

  • Add order / edit order
  • Open/complete/cancelled
  • Can change status of orders
  • Client info
  • Order info

  • Search products
  • Filter
  • Edit/delete Order
  • Add products
  • Brands
  • Categories
  • Users
  • Reviews
  • Order / Product reviews
  • Delivery boy

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Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.