Viavi Food Delivery Android App


Food delivery app is designed for users to select hotels and order food. App is made in material design with all necessary features and user friendly UI.

Android Side

  • Secured API Calls
  • List of restaurant to choose from
  • Latest restaurant, restaurant by category
  • Hotels information
  • Rate restaurant, Review restaurant
  • Menu list selected by menu categories
  • Add to cart option
  • Update number of
  • Checkout order
  • Login/Register/Forget Password Feature/Skip Login
  • Manage Profile
  • Bookmark Restaurant by adding to favorite option
  • Orderlist with order details
  • Pending, Process, Complete, Cancel status of order
  • Review restaurants, Rate restaurants
  • About Us, Rate App, Share App, More App, Privacy Policy
  • Supports RTL
  • OneSignal Push Notification
  • On/Off Push Notification Option in app
  • Admob Ads (Banner/Interstitial/Native)
  • Facebook Ads (Banner/Interstitial/Native)
  • Google and Facebook login
  • Dark Mode
  • App comply with GDPR
  • Manage Ad and notification details from admin panel
  • Firebase Analytics
  • You can also change frequency on interstitial ad to show after number of click in admin panel
  • Attractive UI with Material Design
  • Easy, Powerful, Secure & Responsive admin panel to add the records
  • Latest Navigation View and Bottom Bar
  • App comply with GDPR
  • Android Code Migrated to AndroidX
  • StartApp Ads (Banner/Interstitial/Native)
  • Applovin Max Ads (Banner/Interstitial/Native)
  • Wortise Ads (Banner/Interstitial/Native)
  • Android Studio Version – Chipmunk (2021.2.1) Patch 1

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