Supports optional user login via facebook or email. Users can rate, review & report wall papers, change their mobile wallpapers (lock screen wallpaper & background) and keyword search. This wallpaper template provides 4 monetization methods, including Admob interstitial Ads & in-app purchases. For those who want a blog, the template also includes an optional fully functional Blog, manageable through the admin page.
- Bulk Upload Admin can upload multiple wallpapers at once.
- Ratings and Reviews Users can rate and review wallpapers.
- Featured Wallpapers Feature wallpapers to make them stay on top.
- User Login System (optional) Users can login via facebook or by email/password.
- Sort Tabs 4 different sorting methods to choose from – Recent, Top Rated, Most Viewed & Most Used.
- Color Tags View Wallpapers by color
- Upload Wallpapers Users can upload wallpapers. Admin needs to moderate wallpapers or he can enable auto approval.
- Includes interstitial & Banner Admob ads Earn money from Ads.
- All Graphics included All graphics are also in .ai (illustrator) format
- 2 Video Tutorials Included 2 video tutorial are included online for a quick start.
- Share on Facebook and others Lets users choose where they wish to share the wallpaper
- Deep link sharing When a third party user clicks a link shared from the Wallpaper app, it will take him directly to the shared wallpaper, without having to download the app.
- App Rating Feature The app has Ratebolt integrated. It only asks users who rate 4/5 stars to rate on Google Play. The rest are asked for feedback.
- Very easy to customize Most of the source code you need to customise is either in Strings.xml and
- In-App Purchase The user can upgrade to premium to remove ads. To use this feature an extended license is required.
- Categories & Sub-Categories Wallpapers can be put in categories or Sub-Categories.
- HTML supported The Wallpaper description supports rich text, html, images and youtube videos.
- Google Analytics and Firebase The template has google analytics and firebase to track the user behaviour.
- Info Page An extra page to put your custom information, about, terms and conditions, privacy policy or anything you wish.
- Search User can search wallpapers easily by title or keywords
- Admin Page A powerful admin page to manage, edit, create wallpapers, categories, manage users, send push notifications and much more.
- Admin Page Dashboard View how many people viewed, favorited, downloaded, used or shared your Wallpapers.
- Side Navigation Menu Easy navigation through the side drawer
- Push Notifications Includes firebase push notifications. Send them directly from the admin page.
- Settings Page Allows user to turn off Push notifications
- RTL support Right to left layout is supported.
- Report wallpaper Users can report inappropriate wallpapers.
- Wallpaper file Details Shows the wallpaper file size, type and resolution.
- Mini Web app When a wallpaper is shared, others which don’t have the app installed can still view the wallpaper online.
- Admin or Author The Admin panel supports 2 types of accounts. The Author can only create and edit Wallpapers.
- Favorites A Wallpaper can be bookmarked to be see later.
- Privacy Policy Includes a privacy policy online and in-app
- Terms Includes terms online and in-app
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