Weboox Convert – Perfex CRM to app Android





  • Material Design:

Full material design with animated drawer icon, wave and card layouts. Completely customizable in all colors. With subtle animations such as parallax headers and faded toolbars.



  • Tablet UI:

A dedicated two-tier tablet layout and immersive insight to read articles and view content without distractions.



  • Push Notifications by OneSignal:

Send push messages and URLs to your users easily.



  • Customizable:

Easily make your application your own by translating and customizing colors and using your own icons for menu items.



  • NativeWeb Progressive Technology â„¢:

Never before has web content been so beautiful. We inject custom CSS to optimize the device’s screen page and create a unified look.



  • Social:

allows your users to share content and promote your app at the same time.



  • In-app media viewer:

View images (embedded), videos and audio content in your application, full screen.



  • Connection Manager:

Detects automatically when there is no connection and prompts the user to continue when the Internet is restored.



  • Real Documentation:

Instructions for the first application (installation of java, sdk etc). Step-by-step import and model customization. Video Tutorials – Instruction videos to set up the SDK and Android Studio by opening the appropriate files, changing the name of your package, and exporting your application.



  • Dynamic update:

Update the app by pulling the screen down.

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