WooCommerce Online Doctor Consultation Plugin


This plugin provides functionality to the patients to book an online video and clinic appointment according to the selected date and time slots.

The patients can choose the doctors based on their experience, specialization, consultation fees, and qualification after visiting their profile.

The patients just need to enter their basic details to book an appointment and then they can easily book the appointment.

Features of WooCommerce Online Doctor Consultation Plugin

  • The customers have the option to select the doctor on their experience, specialization, consultation charges, etc.
  • Doctors can upload their profile picture and can add their skills, degree, experience, consultation fees, and contact details.
  • Customers can search the doctors according to the city, speciality, and name.
  • The patients can easily schedule their appointment by just entering the basic patient details.
  • The patients can view the profile of the doctor.
  • Reviews and feedback can be provided by the patients to the doctor.
  • Doctors can add their skills, degree, experience, consultation fees, profile pictures, and contact details.
  • The doctors can view the reviews, feedback, scheduled appointments, transactions, total earnings, etc.
  • An admin can set a commission for the appointment.
  • Admin can add new doctors from their end.
  • They can view a scheduled appointment and make a payment for the same.
  • The admin can view the transaction, and order details from the back-end dashboard.
  • The patient reviews and feedback can also be viewed by the admin.

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