WordPress Google Places Review Plugin: Google Business Rating Plugin 3.0


One of the Best WordPress Google Reviews & Ratings of Business places which provide to display 5 most helpful business reviews and improve efficiency. This plugins show Google Business Reviews on your sites in sidebar gadget. An interesting element of the plugin is that it saves audits in WordPress information base and have no rely upon any administrations like Google to show surveys in the gadget. Auto Search Google Places/Business Locations Easily fetch Google Places and near areas location and here you can change location image also.


  • Auto-fetch new reviews from google
  • Show upto 5 reviews of any Google Place.
  • Use multiple times in a page.
  • Set height and width.
  • Many ways of shorting available to display ratings.
  • Show/Update the image of the business location.
  • Show/Hide See all reviews button.
  • Show/Hide Add a review button.
  • Toggle Description
  • Custom Options
  • Responsive Designs
  • Number of Reviews Options
  • Supports translation. Use languate .po file and place elsgr-de_DE.po and elsgr-de_DE.mo in wp-content/languages/plugins


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