WoWonder Flutter cross platform flutter application for WoWonder PHP Script. With WoWonder Flutter users can able to post, like, comment, and more.
Walkthrough Pages: Ability to advertise about application during Registration steps.
Login Page: User can login to app using website credentials.
Register Page: User can register a new account.
Timeline Page: User can able to see all kinds of posts Groups, Pages, Video, Text and etc.
Follow System: User can follow to another user like Twitter.
User Action: User can able to like, comment and share posts with friends, pages, and group posts.
New Post Page: User can able to add a new post as any text, image, and video.
Find Friends Page: Ability to display all user friends.
Video Feed: Ability to see random or uploaded videos in the video feed section. User Profile Page: Users can able to open another user’s profile to display their profile details and timeline.
Search Page: Users can able to search for other users, pages, and groups and can visit their profiles.
Saved Post: Users can able to save users, groups, and page posts to view them later.
Comment Page: User can able to submit new comments to users, pages, and group posts and also can reply to other comments.
Pages: Ability to display own pages, liked pages, recommended pages.
Groups: Ability to display own groups, joined groups, suggested groups.
Story: Ability to view user story and also user can create own.
Reels Video: Ability to display random reels videos.
Verification & Pro Member Profile: When a user visits another profile or page and if the page is verified the user sees verify badge and pro types of his profile.
Notification Page: You can able to display all notification of users activities.
Settings page: Users, Pages, and Groups admin can able to edit or change any information and privacy for their profiles.
Account Page: Users can able to control their account password & username and email.
Toasts & Alerts: Ability to display alerts dialogue, success message, and error message.
Loading Animation: Added ability to display an animated shimmer loading animation when data is fetching from the server.
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