XChatBot ChatGPT GPT-4 OpenAI Full Flutter App | MultiPayments | Admin Panel | Admob | GetX 1.2.1


OpenAI Account now is Paid, so you have to upgrade to Paid Account to make it works. Only Paid Account should be eligible to run using their services API. XChatBot is working fine now. Running well both Android & iOS. We can help for installation & integration for Free

1. Animation SplashPage with Lottie Gif File
2. Slider Image and swipe to start Button Intro Page
3. 4 Buttons shortcut Beautiful Icon
4. ChatGPT, Question Answer Interactive Page
5. Text-to-Image with DALL·E 2 OpenAI (Image Generator)
6. Single Click Image – Copy, LongPress Image to Share
7. Setting page to Manage Model & Max Token Request
8. About page with Click to Browser Link
9. Free Installation & Support
10. Speech-To-Text Question (Voice Mode)
11. MLKit – OCR Image-To-Text (Scan Mode)
12. TypeWriter Type Answer Added
13. Admob Google Implemented (Monetize Ready)
14. Delete Account Implemented

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